Candace meets you where you are. She deeply listens to you and what you want for yourself. You never feel like you “should” be a certain way during her coaching. She challenges you to be true about what wellness and happiness mean to you – and she supports you all the way.

I’m happy you’re here!

A Little About Me…

I’m a clinical nutritionist, health coach & yoga teacher who empowers women to have confidence, health their bodies, eat intuitively, gain energy and learn to love themselves.

I’m also a gardener, a mama to three young humans & one furry puppy, the wife of a hospice RN, a nature lover, a creative cook, an herbalist, a movement enthusiast, a life-long learner, a sensitive witchy gal, and a lover of good food & laughter.

I believe wholeheartedly in what I do because it allows you to reconnect with food (the fuel for your awesome body), your physical and mental health (the core of your self-confidence and intuition), and your daily habits (the “stuff” that brings you joy…or not).

I’ve always loved science. I love learning about the body, especially holistically, because I believe everything is interconnected. Our connection is symbiotic with this planet’s land, other beings, plants, and microbes. My health journey has evolved throughout the years: Vegan, gluten-free, anxious mind/body support, postpartum mental health, digestive health, adrenal fatigue, and weight loss/muscle gain.  I know this:  If we’re open to change and understand how to work in tandem with the body, we create more ease than effort. Therefore, our goals become acquired life skills, and they continue to build upon themselves until we live the best lifestyle for our bodies, minds, and the community.

Because of this life journey, I’ve experienced, I’m driven to help other women find a sense of ease in their own lives. Health should not be complicated & difficult. I believe this determination is what moved me towards private practice. After getting my bachelor’s degree in Health Science, I worked for several years as a Health Educator at a big hospital. I went through a 200-hour yoga teacher-training program, but I yearned to connect and work more holistically with people. This is how I found my way to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and got my Health & Wellness Coaching board certification. As I worked with women, I found areas where I wanted to help them, but I needed more understanding of inflammation, gut dysbiosis, immunity, chronic disease, and hormones. I started my master’s in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and learned many more healing options to offer women.

My gift is the ability to listen deeply and work with you to make sustainable health & lifestyle choices, guide you in achieving your goals, and give you educated support on that journey. I’ve learned to trust and deeply nourish myself. And you can learn this too. When you work with me, you can expect a personalized approach that suits your unique self. We consider your family history, your beautiful body’s symptoms, life history and past traumas, current lifestyle, preferences, food, and goals. I’d love to help you remember who you are.

By the way–don’t wait for the “right moment” to start your intentional life because something will always get in the way. I know this to be true from experience. And so I ask you, when was the last time you felt nourished?

What I Offer


As food is medicine, it is important to understand the role of nutrients in our diet. Healing can happen from the inside out, and I offer one-to-one nutrition guidance to maximize your health potential.

Virtual Health coaching

As you navigate your wellness goals, I guide you in understanding how to be most successful, create lasting change, and live with intention. Wellness challenges become easier to manage, and new patterns emerge, revealing the amazing woman you are.

Meditation Practices

I offer meditation offerings for everyone. I teach about creating ease vs. effort during this practice and offer one-to-one guidance, as quieting the mind can benefit not only ourselves but the collective community!

Yoga Teachings

From Ayurveda to body alignment to fascial tissue release to pranayama, yoga has a way of helping us reflect our current body state and patterns within our health. As health is fluid, this can be a lovely time of introspection.

Weekly Meal Plan Service

Sometimes, we get bored of our food. Or when we’re learning something new, like seasonal eating, for instance, it’s easier to follow along until we get the hang of it ourselves. Perhaps you just need a creative helping hand to inspire the fam. Meal plans can be awesome time, money, and resource savers!

Virtual Classes

Coming Soon!


(916) 764-0818


Sacramento, Ca 95819